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Post Massage Care


  • Drink water - It is important to drink lots of water, especially over the next 24hrs. Rehydration is always important but especially after a massage. Massage promotes lymphatic movement and drinking water can help flush the toxins out of the system. 

  • Take a bath - A nice warm bath is very soothing after a massage, particularly with Epsom Salts.  Epsom salts are just magnesium sulfate and it is used to treat muscle aches and pains. It can be purchased almost anywhere and is fairly inexpensive. It only takes about a cup per bath. If you prefer showers, a hot/cold contrasting shower can help with any discomfort that may be associated with your massage. Discomfort and tenderness are not always a part of every massage but depending on your muscle tissues and how much work was done to them, it can be a side effect but doesn't last for long. Pay attention to how your body responds to the massage and be sure to mention it the next time you book an appointment. 

  • Rest - You may feel tired after a massage and feel the need for a nap. Know that this is normal and if you are able to do so, it is a wonderful way to follow up your massage experience. If you are able to book your massage at a time of day where you can rest, it will be highly beneficial. Do your best to not receive a massage during your work day or before a high energy activity. Massage can be profoundly relaxing and many people fall asleep during the actual massage. It is a great way to destress and it is not only treating the body but it relaxes the mind and quite often can even release emotions. This is not always the case but it does happen for some people and it is a normal response to body work. 

  • Headaches can be common after massage, especially if there was a lot of neck/back work done as those tend to be very common areas of increased tension. Any of the above post care instructions will help with this. It is helpful to mention it the next time you book a massage. It is not recommended that you receive a massage while experiencing a headache, as it can make it worse. If you are prone to migraines, please mention it at time of booking. 

  • Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Ball Work - Self massage is a great way to release tension and administer pressure right where you want it. Since you are the one doing the work, you are also in control of the amount of pressure and sensations that you experience. This is great for someone who likes a lighter touch or really deep pressure. All of the same post care instructions apply with self massage.

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